
It's not uncommon today for inventory clerks to email their clients PDF versions of inventories as well as check-in, mid-term and check-out reports.

We at VeriSmart have used this method for many years. However the cost of printing multiple pages with numerous embedded photographs has become expensive; in order to get around this expense we've developed the first "paperless inventory" system.

How does it work?

The ability to book online 24/7 and control the booking at will has been with us a while. Delivering reports back to the client within 24 hours and often the same day is not uncommon, but to get around the printing costs has been a quest worth pursuing.

This is how it works.

The client logs into their online calendar and books the required service. The inventory clerk completes the booking and delivers the report back to the client online.

In the past, this would normally be printed and at least one copy given or sent to the tenant for check-in, and as per their AST, the tenant would agree, sign and return within a given period. Often it is assumed that if not returned the inventory is deemed correct and will be used 'as is' for the check-out at tenancy end.

The new VeriSmart process no-longer follows this path. Instead on receipt of the inventory in PDF format, the client now forwards the inventory via a coded link to the tenant and the tenant is given access to agree the report on screen, including the ability to add observations and even their own photos. On completion the report is finalised and a secondary link is sent back to the client.

Depending on the client's terms, the tenant is sent a series of SMS reminders advising on how many days remaining to complete this process and on the last day will be told the document is complete.

The document can now be left in the system ready for mid-term and check-out additions or can be downloaded and stored within a client's own management system.

At tenancy end the check-out document is linked digitally back to the inventory and should a dispute occur and adjudication be required, the client can upload scanned ASTs as well as receipts, quotes and claim forms which are tacked digitally to the end of both the inventory and check-out reports. An online link to all documentation can then be sent for adjudication.

During any one of these processes the system time and date stamps the online versions with information relating to each and every process, including evidence of a tenants emails and SMS messages.

So ... How do I get Paperless Inventories?

Paperless Inventories are available from all VeriSmart Franchisees.

To find the nearest one to you, have a look at our "Find A Clerk" website -

If you are already using one of our clerks, just ask them to enable Paperless Inventories for you.